Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010

Shirt Number 3, ^.^ Haruki Murakami Tribut (Englisch)

 Original von meinem Livejournal:

This time i made a Shirt .. some kind of Tribut for my absolute Favorite Author " Haruki Murakami"

I´ve made the design with Paint *laughs* but the result is not so bad..
i only took a picture of Murakami and wrote on the Picture my favorite quote of the book "On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning" in German...
In English the quote means some kind of:  "As always after a realistic dream, the awakening feeling unreal than sleep."

My picture is really bad, >_<..but my Cam is a little damaged and the light was bad .__.

And here the design i used:


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