Just today i´m reading from three different people that they were disappointed by Toma because he is playing the rule of Hitler.
One girl even think about, not watching ever a Drama/Filme/Stageplay with Toma because of that.
Come on Girls!
I ´m also not really happy about Toma is playing this scary role,..but c´mon it´s just a stageplay!!
Toma won´t change only because of that.
He will still be the nice, handsome, fantastic Toma we all know, right?
In one interview long ago Toma said: "My dream is it, to act one day as an historic character"
Now his dream is coming true,..even trebly.
✫ As Ozamu Dazai in Ningen Shikkaku✫ as Prince Genji in The Tale of Genji ✫ and so also as Adolf Hitler in My Friend Hitler.
It´s okay, as long as Toma will be happy, ne?
Ganbatte!! Toma!!
♥ We still love you, even as Hitler, as long you stay as you are! ♥
Original Eintrag von meinem Livejournal: http://maybecannotbe.livejournal.com/
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