
Samstag, 2. Oktober 2010

I have great character...and you?? (Englisch)

 Original von meinem Livejournal: http://maybecannotbe.livejournal.com/?skip=10

Hello again!

Today i want to show you my new selfmade Shirt!
Its the Great Character Shirt, which is worn by Yamapi @ "Proposal Daisakusen" and also  by Toma @ "Hana Kimi"

I love this Shirt, the Design is really cool, ne? And it´s easy to make it by yourselfe.

Here i used a Designs from Internet:

If you also want this shirt, but don´t  want to make the it by yourself then you can also buy it in internet: Take a look here: www.spreadshirt.co.uk/i-have-great-character-C4408A9387707

Here  more pics: Front and back:

I love my shirt!

If you have suggestions or ideas which Shirt i also can make than bring it on ;)
I think i have a new hobby *smiles*

Thanks for reading ;)

I´ll be back soon *laughs*


3 Kommentare:

  1. COOOOOOOOOOOOLLL ! How did you make it ? I saw it online store but very expensive :) ur so cute !

  2. Thank you :3

    How i made my t-shirt´s can you see here: http://maydreamofjapan.blogspot.com/2010/09/think-twice-englisch.html
    ..this may help you :D

    You just need that special t-shirt foil (it´s easy to get online or maybe in a store), a iron and a printer,..
    I hope this helps you a bit!

    Have a nice day <3
    May =^.^=


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