Hi there!
After watching Majo Saiban,.. I absolutely wanted a "Think Twice"- Shirt 
This one:

And so it came that i make my own one...Yoshhh!
And this is the result:
What i needed:
1. A old orange Shirt stolen from my Brother *muaha*
2. A printer
3. Photoshop, to make the Motive.
That´s the Motive i made:
4. One T-Shirt Foil ( ca. 10€ for 5 pieces)
5. Patience (I have cut out all letters individually)
6. A Iron (and also skills with the Iron *laughs*)
That´s it!
I had fun, and i think the result is okay...but it could be better ;)
Maybe you want to make your own t-shirt too, then feel free to take my Tipps ;)
Ja Ne!